What Is Native Advertising? Know Everything About It - AatmaBharat
Native Advertising is a concept of creating ads that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. In other words, it is a special kind of advertisement where the advertiser pays money to display his/her content on someone else platform. It is different from Google Adword because under this method of advertisement, the advertiser directly reaches you. Google does not sponsor in this type of advertisement. One has to directly contact the person to make your ad appear on his or her website. The fundamental requirement of Native Advertising is to integrate a piece of content into a targeted audience. Regardless of the platform, you buy ad placements for, the content must appeal to the sites general audience.
What does Native Advertising look like?
Components of Native Advertising
- Headline
- Ad creative (image, video, etc.)
- Landing page URL
- Body copy
- Branding (name, colours, logo, etc.)
- Design - It must ensure the native ad looks like a part of the website, fits within the overall interface, and doesn’t stand out from the rest of the content.
- Location - The location should be such which provides a proper and complete view of the ad. One should answer the question for the perfect location of the ad: Is it positioned as a part of in-feed content ads or placed in the content recommendation widget, or is it in a dedicated ad slot?
- Ad Behaviour - Where they are taken after clicking the ad is important.
- Disclosure - How prominently does the ad mention its nature? Has the publisher disclosed that this is an ad?
What can be Considered Native Advertising
- Advertorials in newspapers and magazines.
- Advertiser funded programming on broadcast- or web tv.
- Promoted or sponsored posts on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Why Prefer Native Advertising?
- These are seen 53% more than display ads
- They are less likely to be ignored as that of other ad types.
- Around two-thirds of original digital video (ODV) advertisers have explored native advertising
Tips for Effective Native Programmatic Ads
- Target the Right Audience
- Provide Valuable Content
- Mix Native with Contextual
- Be Transparent and honest to your audience
- Set Your Campaign Goals
- Optimize and Experiment
- Embrace Retargeting
Where to Start Native Advertising or Platforms of Native Advertising?
- Redirect.com
- Outbrain
- Nativo
- Gravity
- Triplelift
- NativeAds
- Taboola
- Adsnative
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