How To Concentrate and Focus More for Better Production - AatmaBharat

Before going through with the tips to make yourself concentrate more on your work, know what does it actually mean?

Concentration is taking your mind off many things and putting it on one thing at a time.” Often what distracts us are day-to-day misunderstandings and negative feelings. Here is a guided meditation to release negative feelings.

How To Concentrate and Focus More for Better Production - AatmaBharat

Tips to Increase your Concentration 

Get simple and tested tips to increase your power to concentrate more at Aatmabharat. Follow the given steps and see the results in a few weeks:

1. Train your brain
You can train your brain to increase your concentration towards work by making it to focus on games like:

  • chess
  • word searches or scrambles
  • sudoku
  • crossword puzzles
  • memory games

2. Get a proper sleep
It is always recommended that getting proper sleep makes you work more efficiently and effectively. It makes your brain feel fresh and also improves your organ functioning. Try to get proper sleep according to the age chart which is available at AatmaBharat's Blog "Proper Sleep is the Key of Effective work".

3. Go Away from Distractions
Distractions also cause a disturbance in your concentration towards any work whether it's your hobby or your routine work. Try to get rid of all types of distractions so that your work productivity increases.

4. Get Meditation
Meditation is the only way that is the solution to every problem. Set your schedule in such a way that you get enough time to meditate yourself. Get started with meditation in a step by step process so that you get the positive results.

5. Listening to Music
Listening to soft music also lets you concentrate on your work easily. It helps to calm you and your brain functions as well and does not display any side effects of doing so.

6. Take a Break
Researchers have claimed a lot of times that people:
Concentrate best when they study for shorter periods then recap and consolidate what they learned, rather than studying for longer periods.
Learn better at the beginning and end of a work period.
Plan to do your task for about 30-45 minutes, review what you have learned, then take a five to 10-minute break.

7. Eat Healthily
Food also plays a crucial role in your day to day like starting from mood to your concentration towards work. Try to eat light food at night and heavy in the morning so that you don't feel lazy.

8. Make your Surroundings Comfortable
If you are working under uncomfortable surroundings and not being able to feel fresh due to your environment, try to replace it with a calming and comfortable environment so that you'll be able to enhance your productivity.

9. Work according to a fixed Schedule
Draw up a study timetable that takes into account your energy levels at different times of the day, and stick to it.
Divide your work into logical sections that have a beginning and an end. Our brains are holistic, so you’ll find it easier to work on something that forms a whole, rather than something that's left hanging midway.

10. Be Positive
Making yourself positive soles almost all your problems. Try to think good and feel good. It makes you feel confident too and improves your personality also.

11. Go to Your favourite place when you need to focus
It is always said that if you want to focus more on something for better production or better work you need to go to your favourite place so that you concentrate stupendously. That’s why students want their private room to study or something that needs more focus.


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